How to guess the wet weather

The most reliable weather forecast links for our area are iLMeteo website, iLMeteo PDF and MeteoSwiss.

  1. iLMeteo website

  2. iLMeteo PDF

  3. Meteo Swiss Precipitation

weather forecast italian swiss lake district

The first one is good for the weather forecast around Varese (day by day and hour by hour) However you can write another town or village in the white box on the top of the page.
It's in Italian language but the numbers are international!
You can see the temperatures celsius as well.

The second one is good for dowloading.

The third one is good for the total precipitation in millimeters per hour within the next 24 hours.
Enlarge the map.

Here you are a simple table regarding the average monthly temperatures in the last ten years.

What happens to a scheduled ride if the weather is really bad?
Assuming that a drop of rain is not a show stopper for any cyclist, we always want to prevent dangerous situations. Should the weather conditions cause a risk or simply be so lousy that any fun is out of sight, we will pospone the ride and will find a new solution.

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